
FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Matthew 2:1-12

TALK about this discussion question:

  • Who are some of the people who help you to know Jesus or who teach you about Jesus?


Dear God, thank you for all the people who help me to know Jesus. Help me to share Jesus with all of my friends, too. Amen.

BLESS one another

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


Conversation with…Santa?? That’s right!  A familiar visitor from the North Pole stopped by to chat with Pastor Hoffman about the meaning of Christmas!  The full, unedited version is available here.


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Luke 1:26-38

TALK these discussion questions:

  •  Have you heard any messages about Jesus this week?
  • Who sends you messages? How do you get them?
  • How can YOU be a messenger for God?


Dear God, Thank you for sending Gabriel as your messenger to Mary. Help us to listen to your messages in the world today just like Mary did long ago. Guide us to be good Messengers about Jesus to others in our lives. Amen.

BLESS one another

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


SHARE your highs and lows
READ John 10:11-18

TALK these discussion questions:

  • How can the candy cane remind us of the true meaning of Christmas?
  • How can you and your family keep Jesus as the “reason for the season” this year?
  • How can you share about Jesus’ love this Christmas season?

PRAY Lord, we thank you that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who keeps us from harm. We thank you for his love for us. Help us to remember that we find the true meaning of Christmas in him.

BLESS May you know that Jesus is your Shepherd.


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Mark 1 : 1 – 8

TALK these discussion questions:

  •  How does our family clear the way for Jesus?
  •  What can I do this week to be less selfish?
  •  Who should we send a card to and what should we say?


Dear Lord, Please forgive us for the ways that we have cluttered our lives with sin, doing things that we just want to do, and not showing love and kindness to others.  Please forgive us and help us to live lives welcoming to you son. In Jesus’s name, Amen

BLESS one another

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Mark 13: 24 – 37

TALK these discussion questions:

  • How does our church “get ready” for Christmas?
  • How does our family “get ready” for Christmas?
  • How can I “get ready” for Christmas?

PRAY Dear God, Please help us “get ready” for Jesus’s life and teachings so that we can learn and then live your better way. Amen

BLESS May you know God’s circle of love and never ending life.

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Ephesians 1:15-23 and Matthew 25:31-46

TALK about the seasons of the church year.

  • How many seasons of the church year can you name? Can you name them in order? Do you know what colors we use in church during those times?
  • Why does the church year calendar get represented by a circle?
  • What are some of the words the scriptures for this week use in describing Jesus? How will those words change at Christmas?
  • After you have read the Matthew text, talk about some of the ways your family has met Jesus in the form of others this church year and how you responded to those people. Would you change anything for the church year coming up? Can you set some “New Years’ Service Resolutions” for your family based on the Matthew text?

PRAY Never ending God, thank you for your story that keeps going. Thank you for your love that is with us and keeps going. Show us how to follow Jesus in all the days of our calendars and all the days of our lives. Amen

BLESS May you know God’s circle of love and never ending life.

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Jeremiah 29 1-7

TALK about the questions below:

     What do you love in your house?
     How does it make you feel when you see it?
     How can you show that God is with you in your house?

PRAY Dear God, Be in our homes and our hearts this day. Fill them both with love and care. Amen

BLESS each other

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Matthew 5:1-12

TALK about All Saints Sunday

  • How many generations can you name in your family? Do you have pictures of them?
  • What family members have helped you form your faith? In what ways did they help?
  • Are there other “saints” in your life that have helped you know God’s love for us? Tell about them.
  • If you have a “saint” in your life that has died, share a memory about them. Consider lighting candles for those that you miss.
  • What does the scripture for this week say about those who mourn? Talk about how that could be considered a blessing.

PRAY Dear Jesus, you give us many people to share the story of God’s love. Be with each person, young and old, and be with us when we remember those saints in our lives, both living and dead.

BLESS each other – May you know the love and presence of God who is here in all ages.

© Faith Inkubators

All Rights Reserved


FAITH5 Weekly Family Study
SHARE your highs and lows
READ Ephesians 2:8-9

TALK about the story using questions like

  • How does it make you feel knowing God loves us no matter what?
  • If God will love us no matter what, does that mean we don’t need to be a good person?
  • If God loves us no matter what, how should we love others?

PRAY Thank you God, for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Thank you for throwing us the life preserver and saving our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

BLESS each other

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved