Children’s Message 11-21-2021

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Children’s Message 6-27-2021

FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ Mark 5: 21-43

TALK and Act

  1. Find several items around the house that are fuzzy, soft, hard, rough and smooth. Touch each one and think of how it feels.
  2. Hold a family member’s hand. How does that feel?
  3. Talk about how Jesus touched those he healed. Do you think when we touch one another, we can heal each other, in a way?


Dear Lord, please touch our hearts and minds, so that we can touch others. Amen

Jesus loves us.

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved

Children’s Message 6-13-2021

FAITH5 Weekly Family Study

SHARE your highs and lows

READ 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 (if you have the Spark bible, read “David is Chosen”)

TALK about these discussion questions:

  • How did Samuel chose Israel’s next king?
  • What made David a good choice for king? (Reread 1 Samuel 16:7 for a hint)
  • Do you think that this is a good way to decide on a leader?
  • Baptism is one way that we have been chosen by God. Talk about baptism as a family. Share what it means to each of you.
  • Find a bowl of water, a small bowl of oil or a bottle of lotion. Remind each other of your baptism by making the sign of the cross on one another’s foreheads and saying the blessing below

PRAY Holy God, we are your children. We thank you and praise you for being our God. Help us remember that you have loved us and anointed us to be your child forever. Amen

You are a beloved and chosen child of God.

© Faith Inkubators
All Rights Reserved