BLC Musicians

During this time, the music program became very well known throughout the Rochester area and reflected BLC’s strong commitment to the importance of music in worship.  The following are musicians who served during these years:
(Key: * Organist   # Choir Director    $ Bell Choir Director)

*# G. Trebert

*# S. DePasquale

#$ Dr. K. Elwood

# Dr. B. Johnson

# J. Morale

# K. Templeton

*# S. Hawbecker

*# Dr. M. Coffey

*# Dr. C. Rodland

Cindy Lindeen Martin

BLC Organists

Robert C. Meadows served as organist from1967-1968, Carl Vollbracht from 1972-1975, and Grace Trebert from 1976-1980. It is unknown who filled this position from 1968-1972.

Robert C. Meadows

J. Carl Vollbracht

Grace Trebert

BLC Outreach

The Quilters make quilts for The Linus Project. The Men of Bethlehem help with property upkeep at Grace House. The BLC Orchestra visits nursing homes during the Christmas season, bringing joy to the residents. Ladies make dresses and prayer dolls for Dress-a-Girl Around the World. Boxes for the Angel Tree families overflow with Christmas gifts. God’s Work. Our Hands Day of Service offers an opportunity for us to go out into the community to provide assistance to those in need of a helping hand and so much more. And always, BLC is most generous in donating to the ministries we support.

BLC Quilters

Domestic Violence Sunday

Choir Sings National Anthem

God’s Work Our Hands

BLC Staff

During this time, Lucille Foust was the office secretary and Charles W. Bieler was the custodian.

Lucille Foust – Secretary

Charles W. Beiler – Custodian

BLC Youth

The young people enthusiastically participate in children’s sermons, choir camp, VBS, work camp, National Youth Gathering, confirmation camp, and LYO events. Through these activities, they grow in their faith and learn to know and love God.

2010-Present Youth

Camp Corey for Singers 2016

VBS Day Camp

Children’s Sermons

Bown Building

The newly-formed congregation met above Wagor Drug Store in the Bown Building, located at the time on North Main St., roughly opposite the current Fairport Village Hall. That building was demolished in the late 1960s – early 1970s to make way for Village Landing.
Bown Building

Bown Building

Early Bown Building

Main Street Fairport showing Bown Building on right


In the early 1950s, new doors featuring windows in the shape of a cross were installed on the front entrance to the church. Over the years, the color of the doors changed, but the windows remained.
In 1951, BLC purchased the four adjacent houses on Perrin Street. The house on the corner became the Parish House, providing space for office staff, Sunday School, Luther League, and other organizations. The second house became the new parsonage for the Rehkopf and later, the Adler families. The third house was the previous parsonage, and the fourth is now our rental property.

Perrin Street

BLC 1958

Parish House

1952-1966 Parsonage

Charter Members

On July 28, 1921 several former BLC Plank Rd. members gathered and adopted a resolution to form a new Lutheran congregation in Fairport.  By August 4, 32 people had signed the charter. The name chosen for the new congregation was Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fairport, NY. The Men’s Brotherhood was soon formed while the women established the Ladies Aid Society. See full list of Charter Members here.

Charter Members

BLC Brotherhood with Pastor Schulz

Miss Elizabeth Albrecht
Mrs. Hanna Albrecht
Mrs. Anna Bandhold
Miss Charlotte Bandhold
Mr. E. F. Bandhold
Miss Edith Bandhold
Mr. A. W. Fett
Mr. J. H. Fett
Mrs. Louise Fett
Mrs. Albertina Gears
Mrs. Elizabeth Hept
Mrs. Caroline Holtz
Miss Edna Holtz
Mr. Herman Holz
Miss Marion Holtz
Mrs. Alice Martens
Mr. Frank J. Martens
Mr. Carl L. Rapp
Mrs. Elsie Rapp
Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt

Mr. Fred W. Schmidt
Miss Mable Schmidt
Mr. F. M. Schoolmaster
Mrs. F. W. Schoolmaster
Miss Francis Schoolmaster
Mr. Frank Schoolmaster
Mrs. Gertrude Schoolmaster
Mrs. Anna Schumacher
Miss Edna Schumacher
Miss Emma Schumacher
Mr. F. M. Schumacher
Miss Frances Schumacher
Mr. H. J. Schumacher
Mr. Herman Schumacher
Mr. John Schumacher
Mrs. Lottie Schumacher
Mrs. Wilhelmine Schumacher

Mr. Charles J. Steffen
Miss Leonna Steffen
Mrs. Rose Steffen
Mr. Charles W. Steubing
Mr. John Steubing
Mrs. Mayne Steubing
Miss Mildred Steubing
Mrs. Enga Sutton
Mr. Charles Wacenske
Miss Elizabeth Wacenske
Mr. Fred Wacenske
Mr. Harold Wacenske
Mrs. Ida Wacenske
Mr. John Wahl
Mrs. Lena Wahl
Mr. Joseph White

Choir Directors

Choir Directors

The choir loft is on the left side of the sanctuary photograph. The choir sat facing directly across the room. The organ was built into the wall behind the choir and the pipes were concealed in the wall on the opposite side of the sanctuary. The exact number of musicians serving from 1937 to 1952 is unknown. We do know there were about three choir directors from that time period.


Kay Hept Brown

Mike DiBiase

S. Edith Brinkerhoff


There were choirs for children, youth, and adults. Edith Brinkerhoff was the director from 1954-1958. In 1959, Marge Adler, wife of Pastor Adler, took over. The music program was greatly enhanced by her excellent leadership.

1966 – Choirs

Combined Choirs – Marge Adler

1960 Adult Choir – Marge Adler

1958 Children’s Choir – S. Edith Brinkerhoff