BLC has a rich heritage of service beyond our walls. In 1979, Bethlehem sponsored a family from Laos. In 1998 and 2003 the Chancel Choir performed Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as an outreach to the community. They also performed “Journeys with Jesus” to assist other churches in raising money for special projects.
Over the years BLC has generously supported and served many missions including: Perinton Food Shelf, Lutheran World Relief, Advent House, Safe Journey, The Linus Project, World Hunger, Grace House, Sojourner House, Open Door Mission, and House of Mercy. In addition, we sponsored a medical student, now affiliated with Doctors Without Borders, and a seminary student, both from Africa, and provided Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets for those in need.

1979 – Homsombath family

Joseph… production

Journeys with Jesus