Church Groups

Men’s Brotherhood
Under Pastor Tejan’s leadership, the original Men’s Brotherhood was succeeded by an organization known as the Booster Club. The focus of this group was bringing men together as well as reaching out to the unchurched in the community.
The youth were involved in the Young People’s Society, which later became known as Luther League. It was thought advisable in 1936 to form a Senior Luther League, with the former organization known as the Junior Luther League. Each group numbered about 25 and each was asked to record details of service to the church.

1940s – Luther League

League 1939 – District Luther League Gathering
The Women’s Missionary Society, organized in December 1940, replaced the Ladies Aid Society. They were affiliated with the Women’s Missionary Federation of the American Lutheran Church. The aim of this group was to aid the cause of foreign and home missions as well as all benevolent work in the church. At the time, this was the only BLC organization that centered its activities on missions.

1951 – Women’s Missionary Society