JOY for Grades 3-5

sun15sep9:45 AMsun10:15 AMJOY for Grades 3-5

Event Details

JOY (Jesus, Others, You) is a new group starting at Bethlehem for kids in 3rd – 5th grade. This group will meet monthly in their own room downstairs with their own fellowship snacks. On the Sundays when JOY will meet, 3rd – 5th graders will be invited to communion first, then will leave worship and meet until 10:15am. During this time kids will share a snack, work on a service project together and use the practices of the Faith 5 (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless) to discover the connections between Jesus, others and themselves. For questions about JOY, please contact Patty Chaffee at [email protected]



(Sunday) 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM


BLC Church Street Wing Center/ Large Room