Breadbreakers Meet and Greet

sun21jan10:30 amsun11:30 amBreadbreakers Meet and Greet

Event Details

Friends, Fun and Food! As we progress along our post-pandemic paths to a new normal, there are opportunities to revive and renew past in-person practices that the pandemic disrupted. Over the years at BLC we have enjoyed many different iterations of the simple activity of getting together with BLC friends for fun and food. The intent and hope always has been that community grows when we get to know one another in an informal, social setting. Before the pandemic drove us apart, Breadbreakers was a great opportunity for BLC members to gather together to talk, share a meal, make new friends, and hopefully learn about and care for each other on a more personal basis.

There is a renewed interest to revive that practice. The wish is to create small groups of 7-8 persons who would get together once a month, probably around food but certainly for fun and the opportunity to make new and enjoy old friendships.  Singles and couples are encouraged to join in.


Details and even an official name are TBD. The hope is we can learn from the past, adjust to current circumstances and create something new that will become a welcoming and valued part of our future.

To start things off, a greet and meet of those interested will take place Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 10:30 am in the BLC Fellowship Hall. Rumors have it that Breakfast Pizza will be shared!

If you are curious to learn more or not able to attend the greet & meet but want to be included in the gatherings as things roll along, please email Jeff Hedin ([email protected]) or contact Mark Finke. Mark’s cell (585) 354 – 3747 and email is [email protected].



January 21, 2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am


BLC Fellowship Hall

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