In 1932 an article in the local paper stated that the congregation undertook a project to remodel the sanctuary. The last few weeks have seen unusual activity about the church building, incident to the redecoration of the walls and ceiling, the ceiling being done in ivory and the walls in ivory-buff, blending nicely with the color scheme in the colored windows. Under the supervision of Ernest Bandhold, a new sanctuary has been constructed, with a beautifully curved arch, and with special rooms for pastor and choir at either side. At the north of the sanctuary are three beautiful colored windows, with appropriate figures, the gift of Karl Stroh. In order that the effect of the windows may be heightened in the evening, an electric light has been installed outside for the purpose. The pulpit has been re-located, and the altar at the rear has been raised six inches.
1932 3 Windows Above the Altar
1932 Church with Back of Perrin Street Buildings
1932 Sanctuary