Sundays in Lent:
Sundays in Lent we add space for silence and reflection in worship as we follow Jesus along the way. Worship in-person or livestream at 8:55 am.
March 9 – Luke 4:1-13 – Faithfulness
March 16 – Luke 13:31-35 – Mercy
March 23 – Luke 13:1-9 – Compassion
March 30 – Luke 15:11-32 – Forgiveness
April 6 – Luke 12:1-8 – Love
Finding a Way in the Wilderness . . . Sundays at 10:20 am. A time to reflect with others on the Sunday service and an opportunity to name the wilderness environments where we find ourselves. Grab a cup of coffee and a treat and share in this adult discussion in the BLC Living Room facilitated by one of the pastors.
Wednesdays in Lent:
Ash Wednesday- March 5 A simple liturgy includes the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.
Noon – In person only
7 pm – In person or livestreamed
Wednesdays in Lent- March 12 thru April 9
Food for the Journey. . . Wednesdays from 6-6:45 pm. Come for connection and stay for a simple one-pot supper in the Fellowship Hall! If you’re headed home from work or just happy to have your dinner plans made for you one night of the week, share in this community meal (whether or not Wednesday midweek worship is part of your evening plans). If you would like to contribute to a meal, a week of clean-up, please sign-up online here or on the kiosk in the Narthex.
Holden Evening Prayer . . . 7 pm in person or livestreamed. We share in this beloved liturgy and reflect further on our weekly sign-post for finding Jesus in the wilderness drawing on the language of the Psalms.
Daily Devotions through the Lenten Season
Extend your Lenten practice with a daily devotion delivered to your inbox. We will combine reflections written by the Bethlehem community with devotions from a number of other sources focused on our theme “Jesus: a Way in the Wilderness.” Sign up to receive it in your daily email throughout Lent with the button below or pick up a printed copy in the Narthex beginning Sunday, March 2nd.
Easter Flower Orders and Alternate Giving
Donate Easter flowers to adorn our sanctuary on Easter morning or donate to support Hope585– or both! To donate or order Easter flowers, use the button below or find hard copy forms in the Narthex. Flower orders are due by Friday, April 4.
Daily Walking Calendar
Jesus moved everywhere by walking and built a community along the way. We’ve created this Lenten Calendar at the button below with simple daily walking prompts and multiple Sunday meet-ups that will be hosted by BLC pastors and staff! Walk through the wilderness this Lent (and since the wilderness looks like our everyday life, you won’t have to go far!)
Supporting Others
One tangible way to share a message of hope and love is by writing an anonymous note of prayerful support to someone who may be desperately in need of hope. Many prisoners have had no contact with the outside world for months or years and can feel like they have no one who cares. Prison Ministry of Upstate New York (PMUNY) runs a variety of faith-based programs in prisons in the upstate NY area. Each year during the Easter season, PMUNY delivers Messages of Hope and Love to incarcerated individuals. Look for the display in the Narthex for instructions and examples. PMUNY is a ministry supported by Bethlehem through Ecumenical Ministries of Perinton. For more info on PMUNY you can visit or ask Dave Wideman.
Between Sundays
A chance to reflect on life and faith between Sundays with Amy and Abby. Each Monday, we send an email with a brief reflection, a resource for pondering, and a link to our podcast where we talk together about the crossroads of faith and daily life. This Lent, be sure to look at the Pondering section where we’ll include a special playlist with a variety of music to accompany you this Lent. Visit Between Sundays on the BLC website where you can sign up to receive emails or to listen to the latest episode ( Subscribe to Between Sundays wherever you listen to podcasts (iTunes, Google, Spotify)
Holy Week and Easter at Bethlehem
April 13 – Palm/Passion Sunday
- 8:55 am (in-person and livestreamed)
April 17 – Maundy Thursday
- 12 noon (in-person and livestreamed) – Individual Absolution
and Holy Communion in Sanctuary - 6 pm (in-person only) – Remembering Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, we will begin worship with a shared meal around tables in the Narthex and ends in silence in the sanctuary after the altar is stripped
April 18 – Good Friday
- 7 pm (in-person and livestreamed)
April 20 – Easter Sunday
- 8:55 am (in-person and livestreamed)
- 9:45 – 10:45 am – Easter Pancake Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
- 11 am (in-person only)