Palm/Passion Sunday, March 24:
“Songs of loudest praise” John 12:12-16
8:55am Worship (in-person and livestreamed)
Maundy Thursday, March 28:
“Streams of mercy” John 13:1-20
12 noon (in-person and livestreamed) – Individual Absolution
and Holy Communion in Sanctuary
6 pm (in-person only) – *NEW FORMAT* Remembering Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, we will begin worship with a shared meal around tables in the Fellowship Hall and ends in silence in the sanctuary after the altar is stripped. Sign up in the Narthex or online here to bring a main dish, side, salad, or fruit.
Good Friday, March 29:
“Prone to leave the God I love” John 13:31-28 | John 18:1-11 | John 18:12-18| John 18:19-27 | John 19:1-30
7 pm Worship (in-person and livestreamed)
Easter Sunday, March 31:
“And I hope” Luke 24:1-12
8:55 am Worship (in-person and livestreamed)
9:45 – 10:45 am – Easter Pancake Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall (suggested donation of $5/ adult or $20/family to help support our youth going to the National Youth Gathering!)
11 am Worship (in-person only)