God’s work. Our hands.

Month of Service: October-November 2023

This year throughout the months of October and early November, we will be sharing in a variety of opportunities to serve our neighbors as a part of God’s work. Our hands. Use the form at the bottom of this page to sign up to participate! Opportunities include:

Winter Kits Worship, attend our Annual Meeting following worship, and then participate in hands-on service on Sunday, October 29 as we pack winter kits to share with our community. No sign-up needed!

Warm hands, warm hearts! Bring new, warm mittens or gloves and hats (particular need for mens sizes) to Bethlehem between now and November 19 for distribution through Saint’s Place. Look for the collection bin in the Narthex. Can we reach 200 of each?

Gleaning The book of Ruth in the Old Testament tells how in order to feed herself and her mother-in-law, Ruth “went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters . . .” (Ruth 2.3). Practice the ancient art of GLEANING on Saturday, November 4 at Bejo Seeds, Geneva. Meet at church at 7:45 am on Saturday morning to carpool, or gather with others from Bethlehem at 8:55 am at Bejo Seeds. Gleaners will gather fresh produce for distribution at the Pines. Those carpooling will finished with their work and back home no later than Noon. Contact Julie Owen with questions. Please sign up using the form on the page below so we can plan for your presence!

Habitat for Humanity Build Calling all interested builders! On Saturday, November 11th, there will be a group of volunteers from BLC building! We’ll meet at BLC at 8am to car pool to the site. Bring sturdy shoes, your lunch, and plenty of water. PPE will be provided by the Habitat supervisors. No construction experience is needed! Advanced sign-up is required. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information, please contact Mike Joyce.

Pines of Perinton Produce Distribution We have partnered with Moll Farms to purchase shares of fresh fruits and vegetables to give to our neighbors at the Pines of Perinton at no cost each Wednesday evening. We are recruiting hunger activists who are interested in this fun, meaningful opportunity that helps support local farmers/agriculture, addresses food insecurity, and Builds Lasting Community! How can you help?

  • Meet up in the BLC parking lot each Wednesday afternoon at 4:45. We will package/divvy up the food together
  • Meet at the Pines of Perinton to assist with the food distribution at 5:30. This is typically a time to visit, get to know our neighbors and build relationship/connection.
  • Join for one or both of the above for one week or all weeks.  The more, the merrier!
  • Please reach out to Julie Owen with any questions.


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sat05apr8:00 amsat4:00 pmBLC Builds with Habitat for Humanity


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God’s work. Our hands. Sign-Up