This Fall at BLC

Save These Dates:

  • September 8 @ 8:55am - Start of the New Program Year

    Share in worship on September 8th both in person and via livestream as we begin our new program year!

    Worship for Kids will kick off this Sunday where children ages Pre-K through 2nd grade are invited to a special time of hearing the Word just for them!  While adults hear the scripture and sermon in the main sanctuary, the kids will gather in a separate room across the hall where they will hear a Bible story (usually from the Spark Story Bible), maybe watch a short video introducing the theme or message or sometimes do an activity, talk about the story and pray together. Then they’ll return to the sanctuary before we begin communion.

    After worship, share in Fellowship with other members of the congregation while enjoying a cup of coffee and a treat in the Narthex.

    Many of our musical groups including Children’s Choir, Chancel Bells, Chancel Choir, and Dulcimers will begin their rehearsals this week, as well.

  • Sep. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 8 @ 9:45- 10:15am - JOY

    JOY (Jesus, Others, You) is a new group starting at Bethlehem for kids in 3rd – 5th grade. This group will meet monthly in their own room downstairs with their own fellowship snacks. On the Sundays when JOY will meet, 3rd – 5th graders will be invited to communion first, then will leave worship and meet until 10:15am. During this time kids will share a snack, work on a service project together and use the practices of the Faith 5 (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless) to discover the connections between Jesus, others and themselves. For questions about JOY, please contact Patty Chaffee at [email protected]

  • October 27 @ 8:55am - Reformation Sunday

    Rooted in the past and growing into the future, the church must always be reformed in order to live out the love of Christ in an ever-changing world. We celebrate God’s ongoing work!

  • October 27 @ 10:15am - Annual Meeting

    Join us for our Annual Meeting after worship on October 27 both in-person in the sanctuary, and online on YouTube.

  • November 3 @ 8:55am - All Saints Sunday

    We celebrate the saints who embrace their faith in life and death and guide us in knowing and following Jesus.

Get Involved in our Ministries!


Worship glorifies God and gathers us together where we are transformed by word as well as baptism and communion and prepared to serve.

Opportunities to get involved this fall:

“Be Curious, Ask Questions” Sermon Series

We reconnect at the start of the program year and dwell in the encouragement to be curious and ask questions when faced with new people and new challenges.

Reformation Sunday on October 27

Rooted in the past and growing into the future, the church must always be reformed in order to live out the love of Christ in an ever-changing world. We celebrate God’s ongoing work!

All Saints Sunday on November 3

We celebrate the saints who embrace their faith in life and death and guide us in knowing and following Jesus.


We cultivate multiple ways to learn about and deepen faith for people of all ages and life stages, as well as those with varied faith experiences.

Opportunities to get involved this fall:

Mid-Week Bible Study

On September 18 and 25, Pastor Hoffman will lead a conversation and study from Scripture on “Be curious. Ask questions!” (This is also the theme that will shape worship throughout the Fall!) Want to learn more? Reach out to Pastor Hoffman with questions! Then starting October 2nd, the group will be reading through the Book of Jeremiah.

JOY (Jesus, Others, You)

This new group is starting at Bethlehem for kids in 3rd – 5th grade. The group will meet monthly in their own room downstairs with their own fellowship snacks. On the Sundays when JOY will meet, 3rd – 5th graders will be invited to communion first, then will leave worship and meet until 10:15am. During this time kids will share a snack, work on a service project together and use the practices of the Faith 5 (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless) to discover the connections between Jesus, others and themselves. The fall dates when JOY will meet are September 15th, October 20th, November 17th, and December 8th. For questions about JOY, please contact Patty Chaffee at [email protected].


For the second year, we will be partnering with St. Paul’s Lutheran, Pittsford for monthly confirmation retreats. Confirmation provides an opportunity for young people to be curious and ask questions about faith and what they believe, and to begin deciding for themselves if they wish to continue to journey in the faith in which they were baptized. Becoming confirmed (Affirmation of Baptism) at the end of confirmation ministry is not required but is a choice each young person is asked to make for themselves. This year we will be focusing on what we believe as Lutheran Christians. If you know a young person (entering grades 6-8) who is curious about faith and asking questions about God, please let Pastor Amy know.


We develop multiple points of connection between faith and daily life that extends beyond worship.

Opportunities to get involved this fall:

Simply Social

Community grows when we get to know one another in an informal, social setting. Simply Social is an opportunity for BLC members to make new friends, and hopefully learn about and care for each other on a more personal basis. People meet in small groups of 7-8 persons to get together once a month, often around food. Every few months, the groups are changed up so you have a chance to get to know a different set of people. Contact the church office if you are interested in more information!

Women’s Fellowship

This fall, the group will be reading “Faith of Many Rooms” by Debie Thomas. When your faith begins to feel too small, too confining, you could choose to leave it. But what if the faith we inhabit is roomier than we’d thought? What if our collapsing faith is just a closet in a much larger dwelling? The kind of God who decided to experience the world as a guest likely feels constrained by our pinched theologies too. What sorts of ruptures and revisions would it take to find a more spacious faith–and then to inhabit it with authenticity and joy? Join Women’s Fellowship this fall as Pastor Amy facilitates our monthly discussions. The group meets one Tuesday evening each month at 7pm with first three meetings on September 10, October 8 and November 12.

Men’s Breakfast

Gather with the men of BLC to share good food and informal Christian fellowship! The group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 8 am at the Landmark Restaurant in East Rochester.


We build and foster intergenerational relationships within the BLC family to cultivate a faith community in which each person is valued as a fellow child of God.

Opportunities to get involved this fall:

Caregiver Support Group

If you are caregiving for a loved one (elderly parent, spouse, relative or anyone dear to you), feel free to join us! We meet biweekly on Tuesdays at 2 pm in the Courtyard Sitting Room. The participants share with and learn from each other; this is not a lecture or class!  Questions? Contact Pastor Hoffman.

Grief Support Group

Pastor Hoffman facilitates this time of sharing and conversation open to those who have experienced loss. There is no specific agenda other than connecting with others who are walking a similar road. The group gathers bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 11am and you are welcome to come as often as is helpful to you.


We reach out to the world for the purpose of serving our neighbors near and far, especially those who are marginalized and easily forgotten.

Opportunities to get involved this fall:


Join us on every 1st and/or 3rd Thursday of each month. We’re always glad to have new people to share our love of quilting. No previous skill needed. There’s plenty of ways to find a place for you! This past year, we were able to donate 50 quilts through Linus Blankets! When there is a 5th Thursdays in a month, we meet to tie blankets for Lutheran World Relief. Questions? Please ask GerryAnn Westcott.

Hat Ministry

We are collecting hats this fall to donate to Saints Place, Open Door Mission, and The Seafarers Ministry. All hand knitted/ crochet and loom made hats, along with store purchased hats are appreciated. Yarn and patterns along with donation bins are located in the Narthex. Any questions please contact Cathy Gottermeier at [email protected].

Second Sunday Dinner Ministry

BLC prepares and delivers about 65 hot meals on the second Sunday of each month to those in need in our community. If you would like to help with cooking in the kitchen or driving to make deliveries, please reach out to the church office. New volunteers are always welcome!

Get involved!