Easter Worship

Join our Festive Easter Celebration with Holy Communion on Easter morning, April 20th!

We will have two Easter morning worship opportunities- 8:55am and 11am! Our worship services are open to anyone who wishes to attend in-person, and the earlier 8:55am service will also be Livestreamed for those who wish to participate remotely through YouTube, as well as posted to our website.

If you’re new to worship with us or you have something you wish to communicate with the office or pastor, we invite you to complete a virtual pew card (scroll down on the page to find it.)

Between the services, share in an Easter Pancake Breakfast that will be served from 9:45- 10:45am! Donations will be collected at the door – suggested donation is $5/ adult or $20/ family.

If you are new to Bethlehem, find answers to some frequently asked questions below!
  • Am I welcome at Bethlehem?

    We believe everyone is created in God’s image. Jesus showed us that God loves all people, and we try to do the same.

  • Is worship suitable for all ages?

    Our congregation includes many generations and children are invited to participate in worship along with their parents, grandparents, or other caring adults.  We believe that children learn to worship by being in worship and we welcome the sounds and sights of their learning! All kids ages 3 through elementary are also invited to participate in Worship for Kids during the middle portion of the service. We have a small nursery at the back of Narthex (ushers can help you find it) if you need a space with your child during worship. The nursery has a child-sized restroom as well as a changing table. There are gliders in the room in addition to an assortment of toys.

    Is worship suitable for all ages?

  • Is the church accessible?

    There is an electric lift just inside the street level entrance on Perrin Street, and an accessible all-gender restroom in the lower level. An usher would be happy to assist.

  • Where do I go and where do I sit?

    When you enter the church from the main entrance on Perrin Street, you will come into a large open space we call the Narthex. One of our greeters will welcome you to Bethlehem! There is a coat room off to the side if you would like to leave your jacket. As you move forward in the space, an usher will offer you a printed bulletin at the entrance to the sanctuary. There are also large print versions, as well as children’s versions available. You are invited to sit in any pew at all, wherever you are comfortable! You will know the service is about to being when BLC musicians begin to play the prelude calling us to worship.

    Where do I go and where do I sit?

  • How will I know what to say and do?

    The whole order for service is printed in a bulletin for those who worship in person, and is also available on our website and sent in a Ready for Worship email each week, making it easy to take part and follow even for someone new to the Lutheran Church. Spoken parts are printed in bold when it is the congregation’s turn to speak, and we include many songs and hymns in the bulletin. Hymnals are found in all of the pews as well for any hymns not fully printed in the bulletin.

  • What should I wear?

    There is no specific dress code- you will find people dressed ranging from jeans, to business casual, to suits.

    What should I wear?

Share your worship presence with us: