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Between Sundays for Week of February 10, 2025

After a long night of fishing and catching nothing, Simon and the other fishermen are cleaning their nets by the shore. Jesus shows up and after teaching, he says to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon is doubtful that casting his net just once more will make a difference, but he complies and catches enough fish to nearly sink their boats.

Simon’s first response to this unexpected bounty is worship as he falls on his knees before Jesus.  His next is an acute awareness of his unworthiness – “Go away from me, Lord” he exclaims.  And finally, confession, as he continues, “for I am a sinful man!”

This little passage sums up the pattern we replicate each week in worship. We begin each week with confession because we can’t even begin to appreciate all that God has done if we are still clinging to our own power, our own talents, our own ideas, or our own judgments as the way to life. If we think we can do everything by ourselves, if we just want everything to work out because of our own efforts, our own skills – if we deny we have any need for God’s power to work in and through us, then we will keep coming up empty. But when we confess our sin, we hear God’s powerful words of forgiveness, reminding us that no matter what, we belong to God. We are not valuable because of what we can do, but because of whose we are. And with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can and will experience the abundant life Jesus promises.

Often, we spend all week casting our nets and coming up empty – feeling like our efforts are in vain, our voice doesn’t matter, our work is futile. We can’t possibly do enough to save this world. Then, we gather here for worship to return to our God who promises to be with us always, who gets into our boat with us, who teaches us and loves us and leads us. We gather in worship to experience the abundance of God – the abundance of forgiveness and love and compassion that God heaps upon us.

Friends, when you’re tired and all seems hopeless, remember that it is not by our own power that we do what we do. Instead, we worship the one who the world could not keep down, the one who destroyed the power of death, the one who gives us life.

May God grant us the grace to persist, to keep casting our nets of God’s love and to look with hope for God’s abundance.

Thanks be to God!

P.S. Watch Sunday’s service and view past services on the Share in Worship page of BLC’s website!

P.P.S. If you’re wondering how to support those impacted by the California Wildfires, Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is one option. Your gifts equip LDR to respond to communities affected by wildfires and related disasters. Gifts to “U.S. Wildfires” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.

If you’re wondering how to support immigrants, Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) is the ELCA’s partner for this important ministry.

As Valentine’s Day approaches us at the end of the week, it’s the perfect week to remind our families of all the ways God loves us. Try this activity:
Read Psalm 138 together. Take a plain piece of white paper or construction paper and write the first verse of the psalm, “I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart” at the top. Draw a large heart that fills most of the rest of the paper. As a family, take turns saying and writing (or one person writes for everyone) the things that they thank God for. Encourage your family to fill up as much of the heart as possible with ideas. Decorate the heart and the space around it together with crayons or other art supplies. Hang your finished heart poster somewhere in your home where you can see it for the rest of the week. Each day as you leave, say a prayer of thanks for one of the things on your family poster.

Patty Chaffee

Family Faith Formation Coordinator

Between Sundays . . . Abby and Amy interview Chrisanne Gates who now serves as Bethlehem’s Chancel Choir Director. Listen as Chris talks about the deep connection between music and faith in her life.  Find this episode (#161) on the BLC website or wherever you like to listen to podcasts!

Subscribe to “Between Sundays” on your favorite podcast app and help us spread the word through sharing!


Years ago, when I was involved as a Council member with the Lutheran World Federation, at one of the many gatherings of Lutherans from all over the world worshiping together, I learned a song from our siblings in South Africa. The lyrics consist of just one word – bambelela – repeated over and over again throughout the song, sung to a rhythmic tune, softer and louder, but repeatedly.  And do you know what that one word means?  Never give up.

When we feel overwhelmed, exhausted, never give up. Return to the one who gives us the power to dig deep, to do what we have been called to do: “trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace” (from the baptismal liturgy in our hymnal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship).

Here’s one recording of this beautiful testimony of faith; search online and find others!