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Between Sundays for Week of August 5, 2024

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. (Ephesians 4:4-7)

Last month, 16,000 Lutherans descended on the city of New Orleans to experience their unity in Christ. On Sunday, we heard from those who traveled from BLC to this gathering about their experiences. From the speakers who shared about their own lives with vulnerability, to the food (pralines and beignets are pretty amazing!), to the many miles walked in the heat, to the people they met, they glimpsed the variety of grace given to each member of the body of Christ.

Some had endless patience. Others brought a presence of calm. Others shared creativity and planning as they developed a four-square court for an elementary school playground. Others had tenacity as they cleaned and organized classrooms. Each showed up as authentically themselves, sharing their God-given gifts for building up the body of Christ.

Thank you. Thank you for supporting this group with your prayers and your financial gifts. Thank you for receiving their witness of Jesus at work in the world. Thank you for sharing in their joy of glimpsing the unity we share in Christ.

Let us pray…Lord God, we who do new things, sometimes feel afraid,

So make us brave.

We who live this life as a full gift from you, are often challenged,

So make us authentic.

We who serve others, sometimes are held back,

So make us free.

We who trouble the systems of this world as it is, invite anger.

So make us disruptive.

Now send us out created to be your disciples in the world that we may tell the story of your love.



P.S. View Sunday’s worship service to hear BLC’s participants at the ELCA National Youth Gathering last month share their experiences on BLC’s YouTube Channel. Watch past services on the Share in Worship page of BLC’s website!

Between Sundays . . . is taking a summer break! Amy shares an update and invites your input as we plan for upcoming episodes. Listen to past episodes and let us know if there’s a topic or question you’d like to hear us wrestle with on a future episode. Connect with us through Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s website.

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Wendell Berry (b. 1934)

I Know That I Have Life

           I know that I have life
only insofar as I have love.

I have no love
except it come from Thee.

Help me, please, to carry
this candle against the wind.

Wendell Berry (born 1934) is a poet, novelist, cultural critic, environmental activist, and Kentucky farmer. The author of more than fifty books, he is the recipient of the National Humanities Medal and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His most recent book is The Need to Be Whole (2022).