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Between Sundays for Week of January 20, 2025

The abundant grace that Jesus unleashes on the wedding celebration in Cana in the form of wine is a joy-filled surprise for the steward, the servants who assist Jesus, and even Jesus’ own disciples. Through this first sign in John’s gospel, Jesus shows how the power of God comes into the very ordinary events of life and transforms them into something unexpected, surprising, and grace-filled!

The writer, Debie Thomas, points out that this abundant grace is unleashed because Mary notices, “they have no wine.” For whatever reason, Mary sees what’s going on behind the scenes and she articulates the need.

Thomas writes that Mary’s words in John 2 are “a prayer of intercession for a world that is not okay. ‘They have no money.’ ‘She has no health insurance.’ ‘He has no friends.’ ‘I have no strength.’ Mary’s line is a line I repeat daily, in endless iterations for myself and others. It’s a line that insists on the mysterious power of telling God the truth.”

In taking on our flesh in Jesus, God desired to know our human truth and to show us the abundance and promise of God’s grace upon grace come to life. And so in the face of a world where the desire for God’s abundance and promise to be made visible is ever present, we can begin by insisting on the mysterious power of telling God the truth.

What is the truth you long to speak to God?

God’s time is not our own and simply telling God the truth does not mean that God will resolve the issue as we would see fit. But Jesus’ first sign in John’s gospel suggests that unleashing God’s abundance and promise on this hungry, thirsty, and joy-starved world begins with telling God the truth of what we see. And then being prepared to serve the one who is God’s Word made flesh, trusting that God’s abundant grace upon grace is a promise on which we can depend.

P.S. Watch Sunday’s service and view past services on the Share in Worship page of BLC’s website!

P.P.S. If you’re wondering how to support those impacted by the California Wildfires, Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is one option. Your gifts equip LDR to respond to communities affected by wildfires and related disasters. Gifts to “U.S. Wildfires” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.

Faith Connection at Home

SHARE: Share your highs and lows of the week. Did you see anything miraculous or abundant this week?
READ: John 2:1-11
TALK: 1) Talk about any wedding you have been to. What did you notice? What parts stand out to you? 2) Mary believed that Jesus could do something about the wine at the wedding. It turned out to be miraculous! Has anyone ever believed that you could do something you didn’t think you could do? 3) The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine was amazing and abundant! Examples of abundance often signal God’s presence in the Bible. Where do we see abundance in our lives?
PRAY:  Dear God, your loving abundance is amazing and miraculous! Thank you for your son, Jesus, who shines light and love into our lives. Amen
BLESS: Shine the light of Jesus today.

Patty Chaffee

Family Faith Formation Coordinator

Between Sundays . . . In this encore episode, Abby and Amy get curious with Patty Chaffee, Bethlehem’s Family Faith Formation Coordinator! Listen to their discussion to learn more about Patty, her faith and her work. Subscribe and share!  Connect with us through Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s website.

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Hymns are a great source of theological wisdom and provide a source for reflection and prayer.

Jesus, come! surprise our dullness, make us willing to receive more than we can yet imagine, all the best you have to give: let us find your hidden riches, taste your love, believe, and live!

(Text: Christopher Idle; ELW 312, stanza 4)

We all are called for service, to witness in God’s name. Our ministries are diff’rent; our purpose is the same: to touch the lives of others with God’s surprising grace, so ev’ry folk and nation may feel God’s warm embrace.

(Test: Rusty Edwards, ELW 576, stanza 2)