Gleaning at Bejo Seeds
sat19oct9:00 amsat12:00 pmGleaning at Bejo Seeds
Event Details
“And when you reap the harvest…leave the gleanings for those in need”. Leviticus 19:9-10 Every fall since 2015 a sizable group of volunteers (“gleaners”) have been going to Bejo Seed Farm,
Event Details
“And when you reap the harvest…leave the gleanings for those in need”. Leviticus 19:9-10
Every fall since 2015 a sizable group of volunteers (“gleaners”) have been going to Bejo Seed Farm, outside of Geneva on Saturday mornings, to collect fresh produce that gets distributed to outlets throughout Monroe County where it is made available to people who otherwise might not have access to free, fresh produce. BLC joined this ministry in 2023 and distributed 50+ boxes of produce to House of Mercy, Family Promise, Evergreen East and Second Sunday Dinner Ministry.
Gleaning for 2024 has begun and will continue through mid-November. Volunteers from many churches go out every Saturday morning from 9am until around noon weather permitting. Volunteers of any age, who are willing to spend 2-3 hours on a Saturday morning digging vegetables out of the ground or picking them off vines, are welcome to join! Please reach out to Julie Owen at jowen@
October 19, 2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Bejo Seeds
1088 Healey Rd, Geneva, NY 14456
Contact Information
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
48 Perrin Street
Fairport, NY 14450
P: 585-223-0634
E: [email protected]
Rev. Abigail Zang Hoffman
Rev. Amy Walter-Peterson
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