
fri03jan3:00 PMfri4:30 PMDulcimer Group Rehearsal

sun05jan8:55 AMsun10:00 AMWorship with Communion (in-person & online)

sun05jan10:00 AMsun10:30 AMSunday Fellowship

mon06jan4:30 PMmon5:30 PMPersonnel Committee Meeting

wed08jan8:00 AMwed9:00 AMMen's Breakfast

wed08jan9:30 AMwed11:00 AMMid-Week Bible Study (in-person or via Zoom)

wed08jan6:00 PMwed7:15 PMChancel Bells Rehearsal

wed08jan6:15 PMwed7:15 PMBLC Folk Group Rehearsal

wed08jan7:30 PMwed9:00 PMChancel Choir Rehearsal

fri10jan3:00 PMfri4:30 PMDulcimer Group Rehearsal

sat11jan9:00 AMsat11:00 AMBLC Property Committee Meeting

sun12jan8:55 AMsun10:00 AMWorship with Communion (in-person & online)

sun12jan9:00 AMsun12:00 PMSecond Sunday Dinner Ministry (delivery only)

sun12jan9:15 AMsun9:45 AMWorship for Kids

sun12jan9:45 AMsun10:15 AMJOY for Grades 3-5

sun12jan10:00 AMsun10:30 AMSunday Fellowship

sun12jan10:15 AMsun11:00 AMChildren's Choir Rehearsal

sun12jan10:15 AMsun11:00 AMChurch Council Meeting (hybrid)

sun12jan10:15 AMsun11:15 AMLYO

sun12jan1:00 PMsun3:00 PMBaptism Celebration Splash Party!

sun12jan3:30 PMsun6:30 PMConfirmation Meeting

mon13jan2:30 PMmon3:30 PMSanctuary Refresh Team Meeting

tue14jan11:00 AMtue12:30 PMGrief Support Group

tue14jan2:00 PMtue3:30 PMSupport Group for Caregivers

tue14jan7:00 PMtue9:00 PMWomen's Fellowship

wed15jan9:30 AMwed11:00 AMMid-Week Bible Study (in-person or via Zoom)

wed15jan6:00 PMwed7:15 PMChancel Bells Rehearsal

wed15jan6:15 PMwed7:15 PMBLC Folk Group Rehearsal

wed15jan7:30 PMwed9:00 PMChancel Choir Rehearsal

thu16jan7:00 PMthu8:00 PMBLC Quilters

thu16jan7:00 PMthu8:00 PMConversation with Father Michael Calabria, Hosted by Pastor Amy Walter-Peterson

fri17jan3:00 PMfri4:30 PMDulcimer Group Rehearsal

sun19jan8:55 AMsun10:00 AMWorship with Communion (in-person & online)

sun19jan9:15 AMsun9:45 AMWorship for Kids

sun19jan10:00 AMsun10:30 AMSunday Fellowship

sun19jan10:15 AMsun11:00 AMChildren's Choir Rehearsal

wed22jan9:30 AMwed11:00 AMMid-Week Bible Study (in-person or via Zoom)

wed22jan11:00 AMwed12:00 PMIMF Committee Meeting

wed22jan6:00 PMwed7:15 PMChancel Bells Rehearsal

wed22jan6:15 PMwed7:15 PMBLC Folk Group Rehearsal

wed22jan7:30 PMwed9:00 PMChancel Choir Rehearsal

fri24jan3:00 PMfri4:30 PMDulcimer Group Rehearsal

sun26jan8:55 AMsun10:00 AMWorship with Communion (in-person & online)

sun26jan9:15 AMsun9:45 AMWorship for Kids

sun26jan10:00 AMsun10:30 AMSunday Fellowship

sun26jan10:15 AMsun11:00 AMChildren's Choir Rehearsal

sun26jan10:15 AMsun11:15 AMLYO

tue28jan11:00 AMtue12:30 PMGrief Support Group

tue28jan2:00 PMtue3:30 PMSupport Group for Caregivers

wed29jan9:30 AMwed11:00 AMMid-Week Bible Study (in-person or via Zoom)

wed29jan6:00 PMwed7:15 PMChancel Bells Rehearsal

wed29jan6:15 PMwed7:15 PMBLC Folk Group Rehearsal

wed29jan7:30 PMwed9:00 PMChancel Choir Rehearsal

thu30jan7:00 PMthu8:00 PMBLC Quilters

fri31jan3:00 PMfri4:30 PMDulcimer Group Rehearsal

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Learn more about our ongoing BLC Groups!

Contact the church office at [email protected] if you’d like to get in contact with the group facilitators and/or be added to their distribution lists!

This year, we have decided to extend the offerings for our various groups beyond the traditional end of the program year. This may look different for each group, be sure to see the weekly calendar for pertinent info on dates, times and sign-in information for virtual connections!

We are going to try gathering by Zoom. (We’ll try this format through at least the month of June.) This should allow us to share a more interactive format by hearing different voices to lead prayers and read Scripture. Evening Prayer will be a brief liturgy that is mostly spoken, with a few hymns and/or special music. We’ll follow worship with a time for conversation and reflection on practicing our faith at home led by one of the Pastors. Details to join the Zoom meeting are on the weekly calendar. Contact the Pastors if you have questions – or if you would like to contribute to worship leadership! If you know of others who have enjoyed worshiping with us on Wednesday nights who do not receive BLC Ready for Worship emails, consider asking them if you could share their email address with us so we can include them in this communication.

We are currently participating in a series based on Philip Yancey’s book “The Jesus I Never Knew”. Please consider joining us on Zoom as we “uncover a Jesus who is brilliant, creative, challenging, fearless, compassionate, unpredictable and ultimately satisfying.” Order your book from Zondervan.com or your favorite bookseller. The group continues to meet weekly at 9:30 am on Wednesday mornings. We will meet though Zoom until further notice. Even if you’ve never participated before, you are welcome to join our discussions.

Pastor Amy will be leading six sessions via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm (7/14, 7/28, 8/11 & 8/25). The book we will be discussing is Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again by Rachel Held Evans. You can find out more information and purchase this book at https://www.amazon.com/Inspired-Slaying-GiantsWalking-Loving/dp/0718022319. There is also a reading guide with questions to reflect upon at https://rachelheldevans.com/inspired. The Zoom meeting details will be the same each session and will be shared in the weekly calendar as the dates approach. Women’s Fellowship is open to women of all ages. We hope you will consider joining us!

Based on participant input, LYO (Grades 9-12) has decided to continue meeting through the summer months (virtually via Zoom) and will change the frequency and time of their gatherings. They will meet at 7:30 pm every other Sunday (6/28, 7/12, 7/26, 8/9 & 8/23).

The 100th Anniversary Committee Meeting: BLC will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on August 7, 2021. The planning team has 13 dedicated individuals on it. If you have any interest in our church history and the anniversary celebration, this group is hard at work to share the knowledge they’ve collected!

Sunday mornings, at 9:45 am – Share a (virtual) cup of coffee with one of the Pastors! We’ll share conversation together – about worship, scripture, what’s happening at church, in the community, in the world, prayer concerns, or whatever else is on your heart and mind.

At a Congregation Council meeting, a resolution was passed to authorize the formation of a Finance Committee to evaluate existing policies and procedures and make recommendations to council related to the financial wellbeing of BLC. The Committee includes: Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Council Representative, and Congregation members.

The Mission & Social Concerns Committee (M&SC) selects the mission focus for each month, identifies mission spending recipients and works to connect BLC to mission and ministry opportunities within our community and around the world. New members always welcome.

Our “virtual” brunch bunch will change back to meeting monthly (instead of weekly as they did in spring). Please join us on the third Saturday of the month at 9:30 am as you are able. The next scheduled brunch is Saturday, July 19. Grab your coffee and your favorite breakfast and join us as we connect with friends. All are welcome, no RSVP or previous participation required! Please do join us via Zoom (see the weekly calendar for meeting ID info!) – and invite a friend!

Continuing to meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 1 pm via Zoom. “Gather” with the men of BLC via Zoom to share good food and informal Christian fellowship.

As physical distance continues, staying connected in other ways becomes even more impactful. Be part of the ministry of the ministry of support and encouragement for all members of the congregation! Make phone calls, send cards and more.

Although we won’t be gathering at BLC for our scheduled Knit Nights until further notice, we encourage you to ‘join us’ by knitting/crocheting on that evening in your home. Your contributions and efforts are very much appreciated, and the need for these items has not gone away. We look forward to meeting in person again whenever it’s appropriate, but in the meantime, please continue working on your projects (prayer shawls, baptismal blankets, Peace Pals, blanket squares, etc.

This ministry encourages sharing fellowship and prayer via “snail mail” cards to BLC members and friends. Can you send a card on a birthday and holidays? What a wonderful intergenerational activity to create and send cards as a family! You’ll receive a list of names, addresses and birth dates. Monthly reminders provided!